Wheatgrass & Microgreens
Come in for your shot today and we will pick your wheatgrass from a growing crop and juice it right in front of you – THAT’S FRESH !!!
- Science has proven that chlorophyll arrests growth and development of unfriendly bacteria.
- By drinking wheatgrass digestion is improved.
- Wheatgrass juice benefits the skin as it acts as a cleanser and astringent.
- Chlorophyll in wheatgrass also helps to purify the liver.
- A small amount of wheatgrass juice in the diet prevents tooth decay, and drinking wheatgrass juice helps in eliminating body odors.
- Wheatgrass juice held in the mouth for 5 minutes will eliminate toothaches and poisons from gums.
- Wheatgrass has a high amino acid content which promotes cell regeneration and the potent source of enzymes maintains youthfulness.
- Wheatgrass juice can remove heavy metals from the body and is great for blood disorders of all kinds.
- Depending on your unique needs, wheatgrass can also be used topically to treat various skin conditions.
- Wheatgrass benefits the body as a whole. It is a body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of toxins.
- Wheatgrass lessens the effects of radiation. One enzyme found in wheatgrass, SOD, lessens the effects of radiation and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cellular damage following heart attacks or exposure to irritants.
Research has shown that microgreens possess significantly higher nutrient densities than mature leaves. For example, red cabbage microgreens have a 6-fold higher vitamin C concentration than mature red cabbage and 69 times the vitamin K.
We’ve known that baby spinach leaves, for example, have higher levels of phytonutrients than mature spinach leaves, but what about really baby spinach–just a week or two old? Again, research shows the microgreens are definitively more nutrient dense.
At Sequoia, we offer a number of ways to add microgreens into your daily life. In our Organic Cold Room you will find a fridge full of a variety of local and organically grown microgreens. Eat them as a snack or add them into your meals.
Another option is sprouting. Homemade sprouts are probably the most nutrition-per-unit-cost we can get for our money. It’s very low cost, quick and easy, like gardening for the impatient—fully-grown in just 7 to 14 days!
EasyGreen Mikrofarm Sprouter
The newest design for starting virtually every sproutable seed. Complete with Mist Generator, Activation Timer, 5 Cartridges, 1 Food Grade Large Tray, Owner’s Manual (CD ROM) and Drainage Tube. (Dimensions 24″ L x 18″ W x 9″ H). The Easy Green sprouter is the fastest and easiest sprouter to use. Just add seeds and water and watch the machine take over!
These units are available in-store. Multiple units can be stacked for increased production!